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In Western Australia, repairs and maintenance in strata properties are shared between lot owners and the strata company. The strata company is responsible for maintaining common areas such as hallways, stairwells, and shared facilities. Individual lot owners handle repairs within their own units, including internal walls and appliances.
Some areas, like balconies, may create confusion regarding responsibility. Balconies can be classified as common property, though specific cleaning duties may fall to lot owners. Exclusive use by-laws can also alter maintenance responsibilities. Each strata scheme is unique, so it’s important to understand your lot boundaries and by-laws to clarify your responsibilities.
Owners can generally organise their own repairs within their lot, unless the work affects common property or other lots in which case permission may be required. If you are a tenant within a strata property you should refer repairs and maintenance to your asset manager or strata manager.
Common property repairs:
The Strata Council will instruct the Strata Manager on any preventative, seasonal and regular maintenance plan, and some Strata Companies will carry our maintenance and repairs in accordance with a 10-year maintenance plan.
As an owner you can report repairs and maintenance of or affecting the common property you can request repairs and maintenance via the Realmark Strata Portal or Realmark Strata App. Only owners can use these resources.
If you have a concierge or building manager you can also report repairs and maintenance to them.
We’re committed to ensuring your strata property concerns are addressed promptly and efficiently. Follow the guidelines below for repairs, maintenance, and after-hours issues at properties managed by us.
Repairs and Maintenance Portal
You may be provided with access to a portal to lodge maintenance or repair requests supported by the Strata Portal or Strata App. These provide 24/7 real-time access to solutions, information, and support for resolving and reporting maintenance or repair requests.
Please refer to your communications with your Strata Manager for an invitation. Only use the portal if you have been instructed by Realmark.
For all non-urgent or emergency repairs or maintenance requests:
When possible, it is advisable to log any emergency or urgent repairs in the portal or app and/or provide information in writing to create a record for your benefit and the Strata Manager’s reference.
During Business Hours
Contact our office or your Property Manager.
Outside Business Hours
If a non-urgent matter arises outside business hours (before 9:00 am or after 5:00 pm Monday to Friday, as well as weekends and public holidays), log the issue in the portal or contact our team. They will respond as soon as possible on the next business day.
Urgent Repairs
Urgent repairs are those that are reasonably necessary to supply or restore an essential service or to avoid exposing a person to injury or property damage if left unattended.
Urgent repairs generally include broken windows and locks that breach the security of the property, flooding, a burst water service, gas leaks, sewerage leaks or electrical faults.
Please note air-conditioning units are generally not classified as urgent repairs.
Please note that if you arrange a repair or attendance of a contractor or emergency response for a matter that is not an urgent repair or emergency, you may incur a charge for any callout or works undertaken. Should costs or loss be caused by you, your family, or visitors, you may also be responsible for all costs incurred. If you are in a property or premises you do not own, matters may also need to be referred to a property manager or owner, we will work with you to work out who can assist you.
An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, safety, property, or the environment. Examples include:
Steps to take in the event of an emergency:
Useful links and information
Police, Fire, Ambulance (Life Threatening) - 000
WA Police (Non-life Threatening) - 131 444
Western Powner (Emergencies & Interruptions) - 13 13 51
Water (Emergencies & Faults) - 13 13 75
State Emergency Services (SES) - 13 25 00
See also alerts from Emergency WA. Refer to link below.
You are responsible for all costs associated with calling a locksmith if keys are lost or locked inside. Contact the following locksmiths and inform us as soon as possible:
If you lose an access device to common property, contact your Strata Manager during business hours to arrange a replacement.
In any of these circumstances your action will depend on the severity of the problem.
If severe injury to you or other persons call an Ambulance and Police - 000.
If required call State Emergency Service (SES) - 132 500.
Report the break in to the Police on 131 444 and take note of the police report number. If you do not supply us with this report number, you will be responsible for the cost of all repairs.
If the property is not secure, contact the following glazier:
Report all damages in writing to us as soon as possible.
If the glass breakage is not due to a break-in but caused by you, your family, or visitors, you may be required to pay all costs.
Check the Western Power website for failures and outages or call 13 13 51.
In the event of electrical failure and where it is safe to do so, please check trip switches and fuses.
Should the power cut out, disconnect all appliances inside and outside of the property, then reset the safety switch. Reconnect one appliance at a time. If the power stays on after each new appliance is connected, continue reconnecting appliances. If the power cuts out again after connecting a specific appliance, do not use it. If an electrician is called and the fault is found to be your own appliance, you will be charged for the electrician’s account.
With any other disruption to power/lighting within the premises we suggest contacting Synergy first to ascertain if a problem exists in your suburb.
If there is no local general outage or fault, please contact:
GAS SUPPLY: If your gas supply has been disconnected then please call your gas provider (Kleenheat, AGL, or Alinta) first to find out why, as it may be due to an unpaid bill. If this is not the case, please call our plumber.
BURST PIPE OR SERIOUS WATER LEAK: Please turn off water mains immediately and call the plumber. Please note that small tap leaks will not be attended to outside of normal business hours. If any serious retic leaks occur turn the retic off, if still leaking, please turn the mains water off immediately and report to your Property Manager the next business day.
If the burst pipe is not on the property side of the meter contact the Water Corporation on 13 13 75.
If the burst pipe is within the property, contact the relevant plumber from the list: